Saturday, February 26, 2011

Motation & Nickel City

Sawyer can crawl!!! Get out the gates and start closing doors. I don't think you're ever quite ready for your baby to start moving. But, it has begun. He figured out how to move his hands in the crawling position last week. This week, he finally got his legs on the move too! I'm putting up one video from the first night of crawling. (Don't think we are horrible parents, daddy got home late, and we made Sawyer cry and crawl exhausted.) Within just a few days, he is moving so much better. Today I started the water for his bath, then took him into his room to get his clothes. The next thing I knew, he was halfway across the hall on his way to the bathtub. So funny! The second video is 'real' crawling from today.

Last night we went to Nickel City with Michelle and Todd. What a fun and cheap date night! Even Sawyer had fun. He got to ride his first merry-go-round. And Aunt Michelle and Uncle Todd won him a very cute stuffed cheetah. Thanks guys!!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Snow Hat Luv Bug

I just had to share these. Grammie bought Sawyer this cute hat and gloves set. What a little cheese!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

9 Months

My baby is 9 months! I can't believe he has been with us as long as I was pregnant with him. Crazy! It has gone much faster for these 9 months, than the 9 months of pregnancy. Sawyer is growing up and doing so many things now. He probably weighs about 19 pounds, but we won't go to the doctor for his check-up until the end of the month. He is so full of life and energy now. He is getting VERY wiggly because he is still not moving, but getting extremely frustrated because of it. Hopefully soon!!! Sawyer has always moved his arms and legs a lot, even while I was pregnant with him. During our ultrasound, he had both arms and both legs moving at the same time. Well not much has changed! Here is a video of him just being Sawyer. He has a toy called 'Baby Paper' which is a fabulous toy for little ones!

He loves eating adult food now. But he still doesn't have any teeth, so we have to be very careful! He is babbling tons these days, especially while we are in the car. His favorite thing is to talk into something and shake his head while talking. I've posted a video of it, but he doesn't do it for very long.

Here are his 9 month pictures. What a cute little man!

 Doing his happy dance!