Friday, August 5, 2011

15 Months

Sawyer turned 15 months a few days ago. Where does the time go? I feel like we were just celebrating his birthday and now it is 3 months later. This month he has broken another new top tooth, for a total of 5 teeth. He also is really cruising around with the walking. He hardly ever falls now. He still jabbers up a storm, and usually in Chinese still. He has figured out how to ask for things by looking you in the eye as he explains his point of view. This is usually after he has been told 'no' for something! He will keep jabbering, thinking if he tells you enough of his reasoning, you will change your mind. It is quite funny! He has also developed a very big temper and throw tantrums. Yes, a 15 month old can throw a tantrum! It usually starts with being told 'no', then he starts to get mad, curls his little hands into fists, screams, and then tries to BITE the counter or floor. I know, we have some fun times ahead with this one! But overall he is still a really good baby (I guess not really a baby anymore, but a little boy.) His new favorite thing is to pat everything. His leg, my tummy, the top of the garbage can, anything that will make a noise! He still loves to say kiddy-kiddy and follow my parent's cat. But now he specifically finds the kitty in one of his books and squeals out kiddy-kiddy-kiddy in excitement. He has also changed from saying 'da' for dog to 'gog'. He is not too interested in saying other new words yet, hopefully that will change soon. We are working on body parts identification. He has shown me his ear a few times. Also he knows foot when I ask him for it to wash. It has been really fun getting to spend more time with him over the summer!

Here are his 15 month pictures. We have a toddler model in the making!

Sawyer LOVES to be outside playing in the dirt!

My mom and Abby helped me make this new 'big boy' blanket for Sawyer.

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