Friday, November 4, 2011

18 Months

I think I could just cry. How in the world is my little baby boy a year and a half already? When you hear other people say how quickly their children grew up, you don't really believe it. Yet here I am experiencing that first hand! Sawyer is humongous!! He hasn't changed much since 17 months, so I am going to write the things we love about him.
We love it when he gives spontaneous hugs and kisses. He loves to watch animals, particularly cats and dogs. His favorite stuffed animal is a 'goggy.' He has ears that can hear EVERYTHING. Sawyer hates napping in his crib, so I lay down on the bed with him and enjoy the snuggle time until he falls asleep. He LOVES to be chased by daddy. He and uncle Anton have a special bond. We love his somber grey eyes and round cheeks. Also his crazy gap-toothed smile. He has a very distinct sense of humor that we love! When he farts or burps, he thinks it is hilarious and encourages us to join in his laughter. He is getting very independent. We love it when he finds his belly button. He asks 'what's that' a million times a day. He has the most lovable little giggle. He loves cooking to a fault! I could go on and on. He has us wrapped around his little finger. Sawyer, we love you more than we could ever tell you.

Here are a few more monster Halloween pictures with his hood on.


Unknown said...

He is a cutie! We sure enjoyed him yesterday!

Lori Vuksinick said...

Absolutely the cutest pictures of him::) Love my big 18 month old boy!!!

Ashley said...

He looks like a little man! So grown up! By the blog is changed to