Wednesday, September 7, 2011

16 Months

Sawyer is now 16 months. Holy cow! He is just bursting with personality these days. He loves to growl at people and have them growl back. It is hilarious when he does this with strangers because they have no idea why this small child is growling at them! He is also completely food obsessed. He has been for quite a while, but now his latest word is cooking. Yes, his fifth word is cooking. Anything to do with food or the kitchen is now 'coogy' to Sawyer. If he is hungry, I hear this word about 50 times in a row. His favorite thing to do now is help cook, especially stirring. He loves to carry around a tupperware and spatula and stir to his little heart's content. He is still a little stinker because he doesn't care about learning any other new words. He only cares about saying words of things that he really likes. Stubborn. He can identify his ears, foot, and belly button, but only when he feels like it. He is walking/running all over the place now. It is getting hard to keep up with him sometimes. He is also not a very good listener yet. He thinks he gets to do whatever he wants now that he can walk. Let the (attempted) training begin! One of his favorite games is to be chased by Shane. He laughs so hard, turns on a dime, and takes off whenever Shane growls at him. He has gotten quite a few teeth in the last month, including some molars. But his teeth are only coming in on the left side. Not quite sure why, but it is definitely strange! At his doctor's appointment this month he weighed 21.5 pounds which is only the 12th percentile. But he measured 30.5 inches long which made him jump from the 18th to the 29th percentile in just 3 months! He is growing up so fast.

Here are his 16 month pictures. As you can see in one of them, he has the Smith top teeth gap. Poor boy!



Kate said...


Lori Vuksinick said...

He is growing up way to fast! I love his pics, but I love him more:). He is my little sunshine!!!