Sunday, January 8, 2012

20 Months

I am quite late this month, but Sawyer turned 20 months on the 3rd. It really hit me this time how close he is to turning 2. I feel like I just planned his 1st birthday, and now almost another entire year has gone by. He is showing so much personality now. Our sweet little baby is no more, now we are bombarded by a very opinionated and strong tempered little boy. Oh the joys of the terrible 2's. He has learned how to plug his ears and loves to do it when there is a loud room or tv. It makes him laugh as he plugs and unplugs them! He has also taken his crazy stepping in place to a whole new level! He now does a CRAZY DANCE. He throws his arms all about, runs around at top speed, and screams out unintelligible words. It is absolutely hilarious! He has also decided to start spitting out food if he doesn't like it. That makes for some interesting catches of chewed up food. Yum! But we couldn't be more in love with our little guy. Due to a horrible accident of someone we know losing their little boy, we have been all the more appreciative of the time we get to spend with him. It is so important to cherish the time you have with loved ones. We LOVE you Sawyer, forever.

Crazy Dance video. I told you, hilarious!

1 comment:

Ashley said...

The dance was hilarious!! He is looking all grow-ed up.