Saturday, November 7, 2009

The Scientific (or not) Gender Method

The Question: All new parents-to-be wonder specifically about one thing...Boy or Girl? Supposedly there is something called the "woman's instinct" that comes into play about this time. Mine? I've felt like it is a girl from the beginning. Call it what you will, maybe just wishful thinking! So THE QUESTION has been put into motion.

Ever heard of a gender prediction test? I hadn't until my sister heard about one from someone. Here is the scoop; the test is supposed to predict the gender with about 80% accuracy using urine. Finding out that it worked for two people that her friend personally knows, I think, why not? Easy enough. So my mom, being crazy excited, buys me the Intelligender test for only $29.99.

The Hypothesis: Reading the instructions, I see that it is quite a process. But I am up to the challenge. Friday night I form my hypothesis. Mine will turn yellow/orange for a girl prediction. I even look at the samples online to make sure I know what I am looking for in the morning.

The Experiment: Well, here we go. Saturday morning, up again for a trip to the bathroom, I give it a shot. After peeing in the cup, using the syringe, transferring the specimen, swirling (not shaking) for approximately 10 seconds, putting the test cup on a white surface, and waiting the 10 minutes for the final results, (I told you it was quite a process), this is what I see.

The Observation: Now I don't know about you, but to me it looked like a greenish color. A clear boy result. So I run back to the computer to see what the other boy results looked like. Well upon further inspection, I see that one of the "girl" results online looks a bit like my boy result. So I run (I'm not big enough to have to waddle just yet) back to the bathroom again to check on the future gender of my child. This is now what I see.


What do you see now? I swear this is getting to me. Now I think it looks more like a girl result! The problem is that the urine is obviously yellow in color and the test concoction they put in the cup is sort of greenish. Is it just that the substance is settling? is it still sort of greenish? or did I read it before the results were finished? Do you see my problem???

The Conclusion: So here I am, after using this crazy new test, more confused than when I started. I guess I will just assume there is still a 50/50 chance for either gender. Unless it is some strange hermaphrodite in which we have to make a gender choice for our new precious child. I sure hope not! For now I will just have to be happy with the knowledge that I get to have my 20 week ultrasound in mid December.

Tell me what you think.


Ashley said...

That is hilarious. I checked out the Chinese gender chart on and it predicted a boy when I had Timothy. I didn't have that "mother's intuition" with either of my kidlets. It just felt like an it until the ultrasound.

Keep us posted!!

Red said...

Here's what I think... Shane wrote that post, not Riley...

Riley said...

Nope, I wrote it!

Kate said...

Here's what I think . . . the results are difficult to interpret. December will be here soon!

shane said...

Why, Rachel, would I write a post from a girl's point of view discussing pregnancy, "woman's instinct" and icky, icky urine? I refused to even be on the same floor of the house while she was doing the "swirling".

Heather said...

I am adding you to my friends right now. Hope you get feeling better!